In the morning we managed to drive about 150 km. The weather conditions deteriorated, a snowstorm began, the wind was 15 m / s. Before the weather station Sterligov it is necessary to pass the same length of the way. Among the endless chain of cases of imprudence and relaxation, the trivial truth passes through a red thread – the Arctic does not forgive mistakes. Because of the limited visibility, we stop moving and set up a tent. We’ll wait for better weather. We often think about what it was like for those who walked up to us, about a hundred years ago, when there were not even maps … All the travelers of the North are extraordinary people, heroes, and any Arctic journey is a feat. When you yourself experienced the difficulties of crossing the North, then it’s scary to read about past expeditions. Papanin, Vilkitsky, Dezhnev, Chelyuskin – anyone, they all performed feats. Or the expedition of the era of Peter I – these people for 10 years came from Arkhangelsk, incredibly hard to break the road to the East!

By 21.00 the weather is deteriorating: the wind increased to 17m / s, the amount of precipitation increased. According to forecasts, in the morning the wind should drop to 6-7 m / s. We stay overnight in this place. The dense fabric of the tent and sleeping bag does not hold the sounds of nature. In one of the interviews, Alexander Peterman expressed the general opinion of the team: “The Arctic is a sacred place for us.” When I first went on an expedition, I felt as if I had gone to a sanatorium: in the Arctic, you are like a sitting phone connected to a network, and he It is a very unusual place, with a powerful energy, beautiful nature, sunsets, sunrises, with such beauty that you can not even give pictures. And the most valuable feeling is when you stand on some piece of land and you understand that nobody before you here was not that you’re here he first “(read the article in the News section). We fall asleep under the sounds of an arctic blizzard ……

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