Today was a difficult day. Having left Sopkargi for a long time searched for the place of crossing through the Yenisei, the icebreaker was again missed, the canal was fresh. We deviate from the given course. Picking up a suitable place for the crossing, after a few hours (!), The whole team manages to move to the other side. By closer to 12 o’clock in the morning we stop for the night at 240 km from the village of Tazovsky.

Quickly eat dinner and get ready for bed – affects physical fatigue. To drive away the thought that this is the last night in the tent, the night alone with nature, for some reason, it turns out with difficulty. “It’s impossible to get used to the beauty of the Arctic,” the expedition members say. – During the year of preparation you manage to miss passionately about its expanses, in the rumbling of hummocks, in the northern lights and in those tests without which the man does not find himself in the relative peace of the cities “(read the full article here). We come here because it’s an incredible pleasure! It is unacceptable for us to speak highly of the “conquest of the Arctic”. Understand it and learn to live in it – another thing! Only then will the polar land show you its beauty and open its soul “…

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